The LEGO® Robotics summer camp is an exploration into robotics. Students will delve into different aspects of robotics including design, construction, programming, and problem-solving. Using LEGO Mindstorms technology, students will make robots to complete various challenges like a maze, a game of tug-of-war, and a robot-sumo competition.
After building their base robot knowledge in Junior Bots, students are encouraged to try Junior Bots: Challenge in the August camp session. This camp is a sequel to Junior Bots and continues to grow the skills learned through new and exciting challenges.
The activities offered in these camps will prepare students to participate in robotics programs throughout their schooling. After camp, they will be ready to participate in the FIRST® LEGO League. Once students reach high school, a good option is the FIRST Robotics Competition.
Mentors and high school volunteers from FIRST Robotics Competition Team 167 will lead the camps. They will provide a comprehensive course in beginner or intermediate robotics. No experience in robotics is required in order to participate in Junior Bots; however, students with experience are still encouraged to take part in the camp or join Junior Bots Challenge in Session 2. All equipment will be supplied by Iowa City Robotics.